Leadership Delivering Results for Our Community
The Greene County Democratic Committee is the official democratic county committee of the New York State Democratic Party. We have two representatives to the State Committee. We work to implement our Democratic values in the 3rd Judicial District, 19th Congressional District, 41st State Senate District, and 102nd Assembly District.
We are comprised of 14 towns and governed at the County level by a County Legislature.
Each town has an active Democratic Town Committee who administers the duties necessary for free and fair elections, transparent campaigns, and recruits, trains, and supports candidates who represent our democratic values.
The GCDC meets six times a year with the Executive Committee meeting 4 times a year. There are no meetings in July.
We have two fundraisers a year, and hope to see you at them! Sign-up for our email list for information - or email us at Info@GreeneCountyDemocrats.com.
To reach the contact for your town, see the "YOUR TOWN" tab above, or the list with email links on this page.
Thank you!!
Greene County Democratic Committee Officers
Chair: Lori Torgersen
2nd Vice Chair: Patrick Kennedy
3rd Vice Chair: Josh Lipsman
Secretary: Daniela Goldberg
Treasurer: Sara Lampert Hoover
State Committee Representative: Chris Hanse
State Committee Representative: Cari Gardner

Contact YOUR Town Chair:
Jane Friedensohn - Ashland
Josh Lipsman - Athens
TBD - Cairo
Ben McCarthy - Catskill
Patrick Kennedy - Coxsackie
Mary Ann Ledda - Durham
Beth Schneck - Greenville
TBD - Halcott
Kathleen Farrell-Decker - Hunter
Paul Trautman - Jewett
Ron Lipton - Lexington
Eileen Vosburgh & Judith Felsten - New Baltimore
Michelle Brainard - Prattsville
TBD - Windham