Sign-up to help Get Out The Vote, bring a friend, and share the following information:
Canvassing Video - (the video mentions going to an office to pick up literature and walk lists, instead we will have staging areas in Greene County):
The turfs out of the Catskill staging location will be for Athens, Cairo, Catskill, Coxsackie, and New Baltimore.
The turfs out of the Windham staging location will be for Durham, Greenville, Jewett, Windham, Prattsville, and Ashland.
Hunter will work turfs in their town, and report via Windham.
The GCDC, in conjunction with the NYS Democrats' coordinated campaign, will hold a GOTV Canvass this weekend, and every day during the last two weeks before and on November 5. All dates are included at the mobilize links.